SalesCatcher Benefits
good versus great products
A good product in any market solves a problem. A GREAT product solve a problem and reduces costs at the same time.
Auto manufacturers are building new cars with more attractive car prices (and lower profit margins). For dealerships used car sales offer higher gross. However traditional advertising (newsprint, radio, television) for both is extremely expensive. With shoppers now looking to their computers, laptops, tablets,smart TVs, smartphones and other mobile devices to make all kinds of buying decissions (and purchases), ranging from food-processors to automobiles, how does any dealership franchise keep up?
That has been the problem of the last decade.
Many high-tech solutions have come to the rescue. Many ot them extremely good solutions too, stepping in to solve the problem. In classic supply and demand market practice, the solution has been rather pricey, often down right expensive!
SalesCatcher is one of those GREAT products that solve the problem of keeping your dealership fast and competitive while not breaking your buget's piggy bank. For experienced SalesCatcher dealerships, they actually experience a reduction in expenses for overall operations while increasing their internet response rate. Simply put, they sell more cars and spend less money — the true definition of a great product.